Self-leadership - English Version Mixte : présentiel / à distance

Dernière mise à jour : 09/10/2024

Bannière visuelle de présentation de la formation
Pedagogical innovation !!!
Offer your teams an atypical training, using movement to develop their presence as leaders


"Self-leadership: developing the Leader's presence and potential" is above all an innovative learning experience, centered on the body and the somatic (bodily) dimension of human intelligence.

It also aims to create a "cohort effect" as we can engage a significant number of managers in this program.

Over two days, we will explore the mechanisms of Leadership through somatic explorations, using different exercise formats.
This work is inspired by the work of Wendy Palmer and Richard Strozzi, who are international references in the field of "leadership embodiment".

The proposed exercises draw from Aikido techniques and numerous other bodily practices.

They are of course adapted to the business world, require no particular physical aptitude, and are fully accessible to people with disabilities.

Moreover, these exercises are coupled with periods of reflection, allowing managers to decode their operating modes and build bridges with their daily professional lives.
This will subsequently enable them to draw up a concrete and operational roadmap for developing their leadership.


Concretely: No agility in terms of flexibility or bodily practice is necessary. Similarly, there is no need to come in specific attire.


This program allows for an accessible and progressive approach to one's leadership style and the uniqueness of one's potential. Understanding our habits of moving, displacing ourselves, and reacting during interactions gives us a wealth of unsuspected information simply because our body does not lie!


This module is designed as an accelerator for becoming aware of one's assets, strengths, qualities, and also areas for improvement. Daring to bet on the body is a source of endless progress and personal satisfaction because it is the Leader's primary tool!


At the beginning of the session, each manager will identify a "common thread case" to develop their leadership. Throughout the two days of training, everyone will be able to measure their progress, their abilities, and evaluate, through peer exchanges, the impact of their leadership and the areas allowing them to deploy their potential.

Knowing how to rely on one's body to understand spontaneous modes of functioning in order to assert one's leadership style and personality:
o Identify one's bodily habits - reactive patterns to understand how I set myself in motion in my role as a manager.
o Exercises in pairs, in subgroups to map one's patterns
o Personal reflection time in connection with professional situations
o Harmonize one's image to know how to position oneself successfully: the image I wish to give / the image I think I give / the image that is perceived
o Peer exchanges
o Q&A session
o Regular and personalized feedback from the trainer
o Action plan (to progressively build one's personal roadmap)

● Develop a quality of presence to establish one's influence:
o Combination of exercises with increasingly complex progressivity (but always accessible) to experiment and anchor one's power of influence
o Reflection time
o Professional bridge: how to transpose it into one's daily life
o Q&A session
o Regular and personalized feedback from the trainer
o Action plan (to progressively build one's personal roadmap)

● Learn the leader's somatic routine
o Practice a sequence of physical exercises allowing to combine and activate several qualities such as quality of presence, quality of attention, power of action

o Peer exchanges
o Regular and personalized feedback from the trainer
o Q&A session
o Construction of one's personal roadmap for the coming weeks, drawing inspiration from one's realizations, peer feedback, trainer feedback, and tools / techniques experienced

o Closing and evaluation of the training



Objectifs de la formation

Objective 1: Learn to develop a centered, authentic, and natural quality of presence to face all daily situations

Objective 2: Identify default operating modes to better understand oneself and make good use of personal strengths and qualities

Objective 3: Be able to develop a daily routine to consolidate Leadership over time

Objective 4: Strengthen one's influence to unleash potential

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Project managers

Modalités pédagogiques

  • Alternation of somatic exercises, practical role-playing, peer learning, and reflective sequences.
  • Work on "Red Thread case" (Situation encountered and experienced at the workplace, individually identified by each participant).
  • Alternation of modalities: large group, subgroups, triads, pairs, individual.
  • Provision of articles and videos to deepen the work on the theme independently and post-training

Moyens et supports pédagogiques

  • Welcome trainees in a dedicated training room.
  • Provision of a participant extranet
  • Shared and made available training support documents.
  • Updated articles, videos and references made available to delve deeper into the topics covered

Modalités d'évaluation et de suivi

  • Pre-training self-assessment
  • Digital or paper attendance sheet
  • Immediate and long-term training evaluation
  • Post-training self-assessment
  • Training certificate upon request
  • Collection of feedback from sponsors


  • Be registered by the Company's Training or HR Department



Jean-Francois Granadel

Comédien de formation, Jean-François Granadel a exercé pendant plus de 15 ans le métier de comédien, metteur en scène et professeur de théâtre. Il a occupé des fonctions de Responsable Pédagogique auprès d’ONG internationales spécialisées dans l’éducation et le champ psychosocial en partenariat avec l’UNICEF - Enfants Réfugiés du Monde - Médecins du Monde. Il est intervenu sur des terrains de guerre (Kosovo, Albanie, Gaza ), et catastrophes naturelles (tsunami en Indonésie, tremblement de terre en Algérie…) Consultant, Formateur depuis plus de 20 ans et Coach depuis plus de 10 ans, il utilise la PNL, l'Analyse Transactionnelle, l'Analyse Systémique dans ses interventions auprès de publics Managers, Commerciaux et Dirigeants. Certifié DISC®, Certifié Human Element®, Certifié Movement Meditation Practice® il associe également des disciplines artistiques comme l’art dramatique et des techniques de mouvement au service de l’efficacité professionnelle.
Il est auteur d’un ouvrage de référence dans les techniques de vente paru aux Editions DUNOD : « Vendeurs, mettez-vous en scène ».

Informations sur l'admission

  • In-house training.
  • Scheduling at the client's request.
  • Minimum 3-week lead time for organization and staffing.
  • Participant registration by the Client Company's Training department.

Informations sur l'accessibilité

  • All our training courses can be adapted for people with disabilities. We just need a little time to study your expectations and the possibilities available to you with you and our institutional partners.
  • To assess your compensation needs, contact our Disability Officer Catherine Herrero Granadel

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