Theatre Techniques applied to Sales Mixte : présentiel / à distance

Dernière mise à jour : 09/10/2024

Bannière visuelle de présentation de la formation
Une formation-Action faisant la part belle à la pratique en situation professionnelle.


This module is designed by professional actors who are also experienced in sales techniques. All the proposed exercises aim to develop the relational skills of salespeople to enhance their commercial performance.


Identify your relational style:

Individual DEFI self-assessment (Directive, Empathetic, Factual, Intuitive)

Decoding grid used in theater conservatories.

Short improvisations to identify and evaluate the effectiveness of each person's relational strategy.

Personalized check-up on their areas of excellence and risk zones.

Achieve a lasting awareness of each person's potential.

Professional bridges linked to their commercial reality.

Revisit the fundamentals of interpersonal communication: 1+1=3 / Moving towards or away from... / Action, task, human, or result-oriented? / Influence strategy: approach or let come?


Powerfully develop your Non-Verbal communication

Decoding tool: "Communication Bubble" used in theater to powerfully reinforce Non-Verbal communication. This is a body language decoding grid.

How to use the space between the client and the salesperson? What physical distance to maintain? ...

Practical applications through theatrical improvisations.

Constant professional bridges allowing salespeople to enrich their commercial toolbox.


Play with your fundamental resources: Voice / Emotions

Understand and identify the importance of playing with your voice.

Know and learn to use the 7 voice effects.

Know how to rely on your emotional intelligence and play with it to impact your messages and create genuine complicity with your client.

Theatrical improvisations based on sketches involving voice and emotions

Professional transpositions and personalized feedback to anchor changes "in the muscle".


Smoothly and flexibly overcome your clients' objections

Know how to adjust your relational strategy without ever "going against"!

Influence language techniques to overcome blockages and tensions

Associated techniques: The art of YES / YES SET / Figure inversion /

Training on short sequences based on concrete cases: list the most frequent daily objections and practice transforming them

Personalized feedback and peer exchanges


Dare to think outside the box and bounce back to face the unexpected

Use the theatrical repartee technique to boost confidence and be at ease - even when faced with a subject the salesperson doesn't master!

Connect with your commercial style to dare to be more yourself rather than playing a "role" that doesn't allow for creating a sense of belonging, essential for building trust and thus commercial performance.

Training in subgroups on participants' cases.


Construction of your personal roadmap: create a strategy for progressive consolidation of learning.

Objectifs de la formation


1/ Identify your relational strategy: How do I present myself in my relationship?

2/ Powerfully develop your Non-Verbal communication

3/ Play with all your resources: Voice / Emotions

4/ Smoothly and flexibly overcome your clients' objections

5/ Dare to think outside the box and bounce back to face the unexpected

Compétences acquises à l'issue de la formation

  • Connaître et mettre en pratique les composantes de l'intelligence émotionnelle selon D. Goleman
  • Connaître et savoir utiliser la technique de la synchronisation verbale et non verbale
  • Savoir utiliser la Bulle de Communication
  • Maîtriser le langage d'influence
  • Savoir déjouer les objections et les transformer en opportunités
  • Connaître et savoir utiliser les effets de voix

Public visé

Commerciaux expérimentés qui ont besoin de renforcer leurs compétences relationnelles

Modalités pédagogiques

  • Alternation of theoretical presentations, practical simulations, peer learning, and reflective sequences.
  • Work on a "Common Thread Case" (Situation encountered and experienced at the workplace, individually identified by each participant).
  • Self-assessment: Your Communication Profile (DEFI)
  • Alternation of modalities: large group, subgroups, trios, pairs, individual.
  • Provision of articles and videos to deepen the work on the theme autonomously and post-training

Moyens et supports pédagogiques

  • Dedicated training room.
  • Provision of a participant extranet
  • Collaborative tool (Padlet or equivalent)
  • Self-assessment: DEFI Profile
  • Shared training support documents made available.
  • Updated articles, videos, and references provided to delve deeper into the topics covered

Modalités d'évaluation et de suivi

  • Pre-training self-assessment
  • Digital or paper attendance sheet
  • Immediate and delayed training evaluation
  • Post-training self-assessment
  • Training certificate upon request
  • Collection of feedback from sponsors


  • Être inscrit.e par le Service Formation ou RH de l'Entreprise



Jean-Francois Granadel

Comédien de formation, Jean-François Granadel a exercé pendant plus de 15 ans le métier de comédien, metteur en scène et professeur de théâtre. Il a occupé des fonctions de Responsable Pédagogique auprès d’ONG internationales spécialisées dans l’éducation et le champ psychosocial en partenariat avec l’UNICEF - Enfants Réfugiés du Monde - Médecins du Monde. Il est intervenu sur des terrains de guerre (Kosovo, Albanie, Gaza ), et catastrophes naturelles (tsunami en Indonésie, tremblement de terre en Algérie…) Consultant, Formateur depuis plus de 20 ans et Coach depuis plus de 10 ans, il utilise la PNL, l'Analyse Transactionnelle, l'Analyse Systémique dans ses interventions auprès de publics Managers, Commerciaux et Dirigeants. Certifié DISC®, Certifié Human Element®, Certifié Movement Meditation Practice® il associe également des disciplines artistiques comme l’art dramatique et des techniques de mouvement au service de l’efficacité professionnelle.
Il est auteur d’un ouvrage de référence dans les techniques de vente paru aux Editions DUNOD : « Vendeurs, mettez-vous en scène ».


Armelle Paillier

Coach, formatrice et superviseur de coachs, Armelle PAILLIER a travaillé pendant plusieurs années dans le secteur de l’informatique, en tant que responsable d’équipe pour accompagner l’évolution des méthodes de gestion. En amont, passionnée de théâtre, elle s’est formée pendant 5 ans dans une école et a continué ensuite sa pratique en parallèle. En 2000, elle intègre le secteur du conseil en ressources humaines avec différents outils, différents regards pour accompagner des entreprises et des individus sur des sujets de transformation, de problématiques liés au changement et à des réorganisations.

Informations sur l'admission

  • In-house training.
  • Scheduling at the client's request.
  • Minimum 3-week lead time for organization and staffing.
  • Participant registration by the Client Company's Training department.

Informations sur l'accessibilité

  • All our training courses can be adapted for people with disabilities. We just need a little time to study your expectations and the possibilities available to you with our institutional partners.
  • To assess your compensation needs, contact our Disability Officer Catherine Herrero Granadel

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