Dernière mise à jour : 09/10/2024
Today's Manager is subject to increasing pressure and uncertainties, frequent and often unpredictable changes - sometimes related to the organization, often to technical and regulatory changes in the profession, to processes that are becoming more complex, to tools provided that are not always adapted, to team turnover... All these daily events directly impact the manager's performance and that of their team! In addition to these recurring transformations, there are other forms of pressure: tight deadlines, high expectations from the Organization, tensions within the team, working conditions that are not always suitable... The manager's technical and operational qualities are a real asset in their ability to manage their workload and their numerous missions, whether operational, managerial, cross-functional with other internal services, or external if they carry out representation mandates with partners, clients and/or suppliers on behalf of the Organization...
But beyond these technical skills, due to the intensity and diversity of these daily roles, the manager is aware that they must draw on other personal abilities and qualities such as adaptability, flexibility, and resilience. But then the question arises: how to develop them? And above all, how to transpose them to their reality and daily professional life? This is the whole purpose of our approach that we offer you in this two-day module.
Because it is neither feasible nor relevant to add theoretical training days to this intensity, where the emphasis would be on intellectual understanding of the phenomenon, we offer your managers a purely practical training, 100% operational and directly linked to their current stressful situations and transposable to all contexts.
After decoding their own functioning under pressure, managers will discover and learn numerous recognized techniques, proven and used among others in high-level sports.
We have designed a three-level toolbox allowing the manager to target what they need in their context:
Level 1: Daily irritants, light and medium stress with concrete and negative implications but occasional in the daily management of their activities
Level 2: Higher intensity and frequency of stress with significant impacts on their ability to step back, formulate requests, make decisions, and especially with personal consequences in managing their emotional and psychological states and fatigue.
Level 3: Great difficulties in managing pressure, no longer sees solutions to their difficulties, anchors themselves in survival behaviors putting them at risk in terms of their personal health and that of their direct collaborators.
To face this level of stress, the manager will try to contain this negative load by implementing compensation strategies. This is where they directly put themselves at personal risk and their decision-making becomes increasingly inappropriate and inconsistent, only increasing the level of risk in managing the current affairs of their business and the feeling that the situation is inevitably deteriorating.
It's the deadly circle of stress which at an intense level - over time - can tip over into other professional pathologies. (see RPS session that we offer)
Accompanied by a specialist coach and expert on these subjects, managers will be offered two days of practice to experiment and explore exercises allowing them to regain control and serenity in managing their daily pressure.
Each manager identifies several situations, of varying degrees in terms of intensity, on which they will train throughout the training day. Each will thus be able to measure their progress and improvements in their abilities to perform under the pressure of a demanding environment.
● Objective 1: Know how to identify weak signals of pressure in oneself and find an ecological way to respond to them
● Objective 2: Know how to decode situations and the environment in order to reduce the intensity of a professional experience
and consider appropriate responses
● Objective 3: Discover and implement tools for managing pressure and developing one's own performance
Coach, formatrice et superviseur de coachs, Armelle PAILLIER a travaillé pendant plusieurs années dans le secteur de l’informatique, en tant que responsable d’équipe pour accompagner l’évolution des méthodes de gestion. En amont, passionnée de théâtre, elle s’est formée pendant 5 ans dans une école et a continué ensuite sa pratique en parallèle. En 2000, elle intègre le secteur du conseil en ressources humaines avec différents outils, différents regards pour accompagner des entreprises et des individus sur des sujets de transformation, de problématiques liés au changement et à des réorganisations.
Florence Vitry a un parcours en entreprise de Manager, DRH et cadre dirigeante.
Elle ne cesse depuis 20 ans de transmettre son intérêt pour le développement des professionnels et des personnes à travers ses activités de formation, de coaching et de supervision des pratiques de coachs. Formatrice de Coachs et de formateurs, elle
est également chargée de cours à Paris 8 dans le DESU Coaching et Co-auteur des ouvrages "Comprendre et pratiquer le coaching personnel" et "Fiches outils du coaching".
Tout au long de son parcours, Florence n'a eu de cesse d'enrichir ses approches, en se formant et se certifiant à la PNL (Maître praticien), à l'Analyse systémique et approches orientées solutions, au MBTI, à Golden, Process Com Coaching, l'Element Humain, les outils 180 et 360°, le Co-développement, la Théorie Organisationnelle de Berne, le Théâtre Forum, le Clean language, les pratiques narratives, la psychopathologie pour le coaching...
Ainsi, Florence sait accompagner tous les publics, sur une gamme très étendue de sujets, et elle le fait toujours avec un engagement, une éthique et une compétence à toute épreuve.
Nada est Docteure en pharmacie, coach certifiée en leadership et en santé ainsi que formatrice en intelligence relationnelle et collective. Elle est spécialiste de la conduite du changement au service du développement de la performance des individus et des équipes.
Elle a exercé en France et à l’étranger et a acquis une expérience de plus de 15 ans dans la création, gestion et motivation des équipes.
Nada est formée aux techniques de développement de l’Intelligence Collective et du Leadership par Robert DILTS et Mickael AMEYE.
Elle sait mettre à profit sa diversité d’expériences et son esprit de synthèse pour rendre ses interventions claires, concrètes et faciles à mettre en pratique.
Nada intègre dans sa pédagogie bienveillance, dynamisme et créativité ainsi que plusieurs approches du développement personnel pour faciliter l’émergence de votre excellence.